Amy enjoys cookies baked by Jeff's wife
As Saturday morning grew into afternoon, the end of our journey was close. Although we were all exhausted and not just a little punchy, it was hard to believe that we had very nearly accomplished our goal of running from west of Charlottesville through the heart of Virginia to Jamestown. When we started at 9:00am on Friday morning, the finish line had seemed so remote. Now it was within our grasp.
Kevin on Leg 33 running along a
busy Route 5 in Charles City County
The final miles of a relay are difficult. As a runner, you are operating on little sleep and less than ideal food. And yet, the spirit of the team and the need to see the thing to its end, pushed us along.
Amy, Kathleen and Andrea take a break at the
Small Country Campground on Leg 11 |
While the objective of the Relay was clearly to complete the mileage, it was more than that. It was to grow together as a team. We did that. And we enjoyed the journey. Perhaps that was simply shared adversity. Whatever it was, by the final leg, we were pulling together and holding nothing back.
Jeff crosses the Chickahominy River at
the end of Leg 35
Mike runs Leg 36 to the finish line
at Jamestown Beach Park |
Almost before we knew it, we were waiting for the final handoff at the Chickahominy Riverfront Park. Jeff crested the Chickahominy River bridge and began the long downhill descent to Leg 36, where Mike was ready for the final leg. We had covered over 200 miles in just over 29 hours. As Mike came into view, our team gathered to run him to the finish.
The Cornerstone Century Team at the
finish line |
In the end, we finished ninth out of a field of 24 teams that finished the 200 with a time of 29:32 and a team pace of 8:31 minutes per mile. Not too shabby! I think most of us would sign up again. Almost before we had unpacked and washed all of the smelly running gear, the team conversation on Facebook was about when we were going to run our next 200 mile relay. Whenever and wherever that might be.......I'm in!