Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Road ID - Let Everyone Know Who You Are!

Any runner or cyclist worth their salt spends at least a few minutes making sure they have all of their gear ready for a run or a ride. That includes not only clothing and shoes, but also other equipment, like a Garmin, race belt or helmet. I have actually gotten to the point where I put together a pre-race/ride checklist to make sure that I don't walk off without some essential piece of gear.

One piece of gear that is on both lists is my Road ID bracelet. As you can see from the picture above, it is a velcro band that includes the pertinent identification and contact info for the wearer, including name, phone numbers and, in my case, blood type. I have been very lucky in my runs and rides never to be seriously injured or hit by a vehicle, although I have had some close scrapes. In the unfortunate event that I was unable to communicate, my Road ID would allow first responders to identify me and contact my wife.

I know that some runners and cyclists carry their driver's license, which is fine, but who wants to lose that? The Road ID is, in my opinion, worth the very modest investment and may well save your life. As I see it, this unobtrusive little bracelet is a pretty valuable piece of safety equipment!

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