Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Shamrock Weekend!

Not so long ago, it seemed like Shamrock was a distant point on the horizon. No longer. This is the weekend. We have had some beautiful weather this week, but it looks as though we may be in for some less than ideal race weather. The forecast for Saturday is mid-60's with a chance of showers in the afternoon, so the kids doing the Final Mile (including my daughter) and the 8K'ers should be okay. Things get a bit more dicey come Sunday with highs only in the upper 40's and a better chance of showers.  One of the things I have learned about running races is that you can't change the weather, so there is no reason to obsess about it. Just dress appropriately, show up and run.

Our Cornerstone Striders running group in Suffolk is going to have a pretty good showing for Shamrock. At last count, we had 22 people doing at least one of the Shamrock races. I think the majority are doing the half marathon and only two or three of us are doing the full.  Not a bad turnout. I think for 2012, we only had less than 10. Everyone has trained hard and I hope to hear about some new PR's at Shamrock!

The Fitness Expo is today and tomorrow, so I will probably go by there today and pickup race packets for myself and my daughter.  I hope that everyone participating has a great race and an enjoyable weekend.

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