Saturday, December 7, 2013

Getting Ready for My First Ultra!

In just two weeks, I will be running the longest race of my life and I am both intimidated and excited. Over the past two years, I have completed three full marathons and a variety of half marathons, but never an ultra. In this case, I will be running the Seashore Nature Trail 50K at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach, along with 299 other folks, who apparently decided that 26.2 miles just wasn't long enough. The event is sponsored by the Tidewater Striders and 2013 is the Fifth Annual.

So, why an ultra? Well, like most runners, I am always looking for a new challenge. A way to push myself a little farther or make myself a little faster. In this case, it was endurance. I am just coming off of the Marine Corps Marathon on October 27 and was trained up for marathon distance. I had originally figured that I would just back off a bit and train up for the Shamrock full in the spring. Most of my training runs are done with a group of runners in Suffolk, the Cornerstone Striders. The folks in this group have helped me develop as a runner and we push ourselves each and every week.

The founder of Cornerstone is a running mentor of mine. She is dedicated to the sport and won't accept excuses. More than a few times, she has pushed me along and gave me the encouragement not to quit, when that is what I was feeling. She was a member of our group that ran Marine Corps. When we finished that marathon, she mentioned the 50K. My initial reaction was, "no way, I'm done for 2013, except for one of the holiday races." But, the more I thought about it, the more I thought that I could push myself the extra five miles. I also thought that this would be an endurance race only, time would not be a consideration, except finishing ahead of the eight hour cutoff.

And so, I told her I would do it. Provided pace was not a consideration. I had also never run at First Landing and did not know what to expect. Fortunately, in the month since I committed, I have run twice there and have been using a new pair of cushioned shoes to help absorb some of the unevenness of the trail. First Landing is a beautiful site. Turns out we have 4 or 5 members of Cornerstone doing the 50K, so I will have some company. I am also planning on running with one of our Colonial 200 Relay teammates, who has run many ultra races and has promised to nurse me through the rough parts.

Well, in two weeks, I will either be elated at completing my first ultra or dejected, because I had to "DNF". I truly hope it is the former. Not sure that I will ever run another ultra, but wanted to be able to say that I tried one. Seashore 50K, here I come!


  1. You're going to do GREAT Steve!! You've been plugging away in training and it will be a fabulous accomplishment! Looking forward to seeing you there :)

  2. Thanks for the inspiration Heidi! New challenges always look daunting, but when you overcome them, the feeling cannot be beat. See you there in two weeks.
